thank you for signing up!
We're looking forward to meeting you soon! In the meantime, here are a few housekeeping items to get you ready...
Check your email for your welcome package. If you haven't received it, let us know and we'll get it right. This is very important as you will be receiving some critical items by email.
Feel free to invite a friend or relative to take this course with your child. Over the years, we have helped thousands of children build confidence and self esteem through the empowerment of self defense. You'll be doing someone a huge service, not to mention it will be a ton more fun to share this experience with someone you know. Simply share this link:
you just took the first step TO changing YOUR child's LIFE FOR THE BETTER
Like we said before...
We don't care where they're starting from.
They just need to be motivated and dedicated. We'll take it from here.
All we ask is their full commitment to the program and then reap the benefits by seeing real results.