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Empower Yourself!
Take Control of Your Safety


Saturday, November 9th at 11:30am

Our very popular Women's Self Defense Course is a comprehensive 6-week program where women can learn how to effectively defend themselves in a very short period of time. The program comprises of 6 different sessions, each 1.5 hours long, covering a variety of relevant topics designed to teach various aspects of self defense.


The full course is priced at $250.00 + HST and includes access to all 6 sessions, online material, a course binder packed with relevant information plus weekly handouts.


The underlying theme for this course changes depending on the season, from Open Spaces to Enclosed Spaces, and everything in between.


This course will give you the ability to manage rapidly evolving situations which drastically change the combat dynamics. A confrontation might start in a parking lot driveway and move quickly in between parked cars. The nature of your response changes significantly as the environment around you changes.


We will not only give you the necessary tools to effectively deal with each scenario, but also the awareness and combat mindset to be able to adapt your defensive tactics to a rapidly changing situation.

  • How to be aware of your surroundings at all times

  • How to identify potential threats and discreetly avoid these scenarios

  • Ways to de-escalate rapidly evolving situations

  • How to effectively defend yourself and neutralize any threat

What you'll learn...

Woman doing Self Defense

Course Outline

First Session

If nothing else, fight back!

Learn critical strikes and kicks, and how to utilize these tools in the most effective ways possible.

Third Session

Threat prioritization.

Using simple scenarios you will learn to how to prioritize the most immediate threat then continue defending yourself until you get to safety.

Fifth Session

Dates gone bad!

In over 80% of sexual assaults in North America, the assailant is known to the victim. 

Second Session

Defend yourself!

Learn how to best protect yourself against slaps and punches to the face, as well as escapes against grabs and hair pulls. Identify and use common objects as aids in your defense.

Fourth Session

Regaining control

Defend against common control maneuvres - bear hugs and chokes

Sixth Session

Bringing it all together.

Comprehensive review and time to test your skills under pressure.

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